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TOF Safety Showers

Over the past 76 years, TOF has worked tirelessly to establish itself as the industry’s leading manufacturer of emergency eyewash and shower technology all over the world. We have developed a great sense of responsibility to our craft, our people and most importantly our customers.

Safety is a primary element in any working environment. Emergency showers are designed to generate an immediate jet of water with a sufficient volume to ensure initial cleaning and first aid on parts of the body exposed to harmful substances or excessive heat. Once this has been achieved, the injured person must still receive immediate medical attention.
The showers and emergency devices are designed to be installed close to people working in any potentially hazardous environment, in an easily-accessible place with no obstacles at all.
The use of emergency showers is strongly recommended in the following industries: Chemical, pharmaceutical , petroleum , iron and steel , agriculture , constructions , metalworking and food. The situation in which there is a real possibility of accidental contact with harmful substances are , though , more numerous than you think and an initial effective response with an eye-washer or emergency shower can often make a big difference to the severity of the injury received.
Eye shower

TOF Advantages

TOF Safety showers are 100% assembled, inspected and water-tested before shipment, which means you receive the most reliable emergency equipment each time, every time.

Logistic Center OHIO

This means you can place your order when you need your product, and not a moment sooner.

Made In ItalyThe finest emergency equipment in the world is engineered and manufactured in Italy. We’re proud of our product quality, and even more proud to tell you we manufacture all in the northwest part of Italy.

Robust structure

TOF emergency showers have a robust structure.

TOF Showers are quick and easy to assemble thanks to factory pre-assembly.
You can assembly them in 5 simple steps, check the following video!


The valves are easy to remove, ensuring maximum ease of maintenance.

Anti Acid treatment with yellow color for high visibility

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